55+ Cool 5 Letter Biblical Girl Names
If you’re searching for a cool list of 5-letter biblical girl names, you’ve come to the best place to discover a cute biblical name.

When choosing baby names, parents often lean towards 4-letter or 5-letter names for their brevity and ease of pronunciation.
Biblical names also carry a devotional touch, offering a sense of beauty and simplicity. Rooted in spiritual scriptures, these names reflect grace, strength, and faith.
From the eloquence of Ruth to the simplicity of Sarah, each biblical name narrates a story of character and resilience.
Now, let’s find a great name.
5-Letter Biblical Girl Names
Abbie – This girl’s name is often a diminutive of Abigail, meaning “my father’s joy” or “father rejoices.”
Abiah – This name has Hebrew origins and means “God is my father.”
Abran – A variation of Abraham, meaning “father of many” or “father of a multitude.”
Adina – This name is of Hebrew origin, meaning “gentle” or “delicate.”
Azuba – A less common name, but it may have Hebrew origins and mean “deserted.”
Bekah – Often a short form of Rebecca, meaning “to bind” or “captivating.”
Calah – This name could have Assyrian roots, associated with a place name in the Bible.
Chloe – This name is of Greek origin, meaning “green shoot” or “blooming.”
Debra – A variant of Deborah, meaning “bee” in Hebrew.
Della – A diminutive of names ending in -della, meaning “of the nobility.”
Diana – This name is of Latin origin, meaning “heavenly.”
Dinah – This cool name is of Hebrew origin, meaning “judged.”
Dolly – Often a nickname for Dorothy, meaning “gift of God” in Greek.
Dorca – A variation of Dorcas, meaning “gazelle” in Aramaic.
Doris – This cool name is of Greek origin, meaning “gift” or “bounty.”
Ednah – This name is of Hebrew origin, meaning “rejuvenation.”
Eliza – A diminutive of Elizabeth, meaning “pledged to God” or “God is my oath.”
Elsie – Often a diminutive of Elizabeth, meaning “pledged to God.”
Esther – This cool name is of Persian origin, meaning “star” or “myrtle leaf.”
Eulah – This name is of Greek origin, meaning “sweet-spoken.”
Eunah – The meaning of this name is “good victory” and is of Greek origin.
Faith – A virtue name, representing trust and belief.
ALSO READ: Hebrew Girl Names
Grace – A virtue name, representing elegance and divine grace.
Hagar – Of Egyptian origin, meaning “flight” or “stranger.”
Helah – The meaning of this name is not widely known; it is less common.
Hilda – This name is of Germanic origin, meaning “battle” or “warrior.”
Hulda – This cool name is of Germanic origin, meaning “lovable.”
Ilene – A variant of Eileen, meaning “bright” or “shining light.”
Jemim – A variation of Jemima, of Hebrew origin, meaning “dove.”
Jewel – This name means “delight” and is of Old French origin.
Julia – Of Latin origin, meaning “youthful” or “downy.”
Junia – The meaning of this name is not widely known; it is less common.
Keila – This name is of Hebrew origin, meaning “fortress” or “citadel.”
Kezia – This name is of Hebrew origin, meaning “sweet-scented spice.”
Lydia – This cool name is of Greek origin, meaning “woman from Lydia” or “beautiful one.”
Mabel – Of Latin origin, meaning “lovable” or “dear.”
Maiah – A variant of Maya, meaning “illusion” or “dream.”
Maida – This name is of Old English origin, meaning “maiden” or “young woman.”
Mercy – A virtuous name, representing compassion and forgiveness.
Merry – Meaning “joyful” or “lively.”
Naomi – Of Hebrew origin, meaning “pleasantness.”
Noemi – A variant of Naomi, meaning “my delight.”
Olive – This name is of Latin origin, meaning “olive tree.”
Orlah – This cool name is of Hebrew origin, meaning “uncircumcised” or “raw.”
Orpah – This name is of Hebrew origin, meaning “turning the back.”
Paula – A feminine form of Paul, meaning “small” or “humble.”
Phebe – A variant of Phoebe, meaning “bright” or “radiant.”
Rhoda – Of Greek origin, meaning “rose.”
Salma – This name is of Arabic origin, meaning “peace.”
Sarah – This name is of Hebrew origin, meaning “noblewoman.”
Sarai – A variant of Sarah, meaning “princess.”
Selah – The meaning of this name is “the end” or “the pause.”
Selma – Of Germanic origin, meaning “helmet of will” or “protected.”
Susie – A diminutive of Susan or Susanna, meaning “lily.”
Tamar – This cool name is of Hebrew origin, meaning “palm tree” or “date palm.” It is also associated with beauty and grace.
Zilpa – This name is of Hebrew origin, meaning “drop” or “trickling.”
This is the end of this post “Five-letter biblical girl names” and I hope you have found a good name.